For more a current/recent list of students, please visit the affiliated faculty's webpages or contact them directly. Thank you.
M.S. in Telecommunications and Networking (Thesis Option)
Ahmad Farhat (2005)
Thesis: Trust Computation in Ad Hoc Networks
Abdallah El Moutia (2004)
Thesis: Energy-aware Ad Hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol and optimizing the blocking problem induced in wireless Ad Hoc networks
Ramya Duraiswamy (2004)
Thesis: Privacy in Transit
M.S. in Telecommunications and Networking (Non-Thesis Option)
M.S. in Computer Engineering (Thesis Option)
Vinay D'Souza (2003)
Thesis: Semantic Caching in Mobile Environment using Semi-Structured Data
Jaydeep Punde (2003)
Thesis: Routing Extensions to Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol to Support QOS in Moble Ad-hoc Networks
Michael Ogden (2002)
Thesis: Wireless Banking with Client Caching
Abhay Doshi (2002)
Thesis: Fault/Configuration Management for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
Tirthankar Ghosh (2002)
Thesis: Design of a Fast and Resource-Efficient Fault Management System in Optical Networks for Real-Time Multimedia Applications
Ravi Kailat (2003)
Thesis: Determination of Optimal Conversation Degree in an Optical Network
Mohit Karla
M.S. in Industrial Engineering (Thesis Option)
Kevin List
Eddie Serrano
Jorge Mashly
Christos Christ
Richard Laboris (2002)
Thesis: Network Intrusion Detection and Protection, Industrial Engineering