
Networking |
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Developing Teams
Selected Publications
For more recent publications, please visit the current and affiliated faculty's webpages, view their publications in our Faculty page, or contact them directly.
Park, E. K., Makki, K., Pissinou, N., & Bambawale, S. (2001). Secure data networking for enterprises. ACIS International Journal of Computer & Information Science, 2(1), 17-23.
Makki, K., Dell, J., Pissinou, N., Moh, W., & Jia, X. (2000). Using logical rings to solve the distributed mutual exclusion problem with fault tolerance issues. The Journal of Supercomputing, 16(1), 117-132.
Makki, S. A. M., Pissinou, N., & Kouzalis, S. (2002). On Routing algorithms in Ad-hoc Networks. In International Conference on Internet Computing (pp. 983-990).
Feng, G., Makki, K., & Pissinou, N. (2002). Efficient implementations of a delay-constrained least-cost multicast algorithm. Journal of Communications and Networks, 4(3), 246-255.
Feng, G., Douligeris, C., Makki, K., & Pissinou, N. (2002). Linear and nonlinear Lagrange relaxation algorithms for delay-constrained least-cost QoS routing. IEICE Transactions on Communications, 85(11), 2437-2446.
Feng, G., Mao, K., & Pissinoul, N. (2002, October). Efficient implementations of bounded shortest multicast algorithm. In Proceedings. Eleventh International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (pp. 312-317). IEEE.
Feng, G., Makki, K., Pissinou, N., & Douligeris, C. (2002). Heuristic and exact algorithms for QoS routing with multiple constraints. IEICE Transactions on Communications, 85(12), 2838-2850.
Feng, G., Douligeris, C., Makki, K., & Pissinou, N. (2002, April). Performance evaluation of delay-constrained least-cost QoS routing algorithms based on linear and nonlinear lagrange relaxation. In 2002 IEEE International Conference on Communications. Conference Proceedings. ICC 2002 (Cat. No. 02CH37333) (Vol. 4, pp. 2273-2278). IEEE.
Feng, G., Makki, K., Pissinou, N., & Douligeris, C. (2001, October). An efficient approximate algorithm for delay-cost-constrained QoS routing. In Proceedings Tenth International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (Cat. No. 01EX495) (pp. 395-400). IEEE.
Park, E. K., Makki, K., Pissinou, N., & Bambawale, S. (2001). Secure data networking for enterprises. ACIS International Journal of Computer & Information Science, 2(1), 17-23.
Makki, S. A. M., Pissinou, N., & Kailat, R. (2003). Optimal Wavelength Conversion Degree in an All-Optical Network. In Communications in Computing (pp. 176-180).
Wang, J., Cho, W., Vemuri, V. R., & Mukherjee, B. (2001). Improved approaches for cost-effective traffic grooming in WDM ring networks: ILP formulations and single-hop and multihop connections. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 19(11), 1645.
Wang, J., Sahasrabuddhe, L., & Mukherjee, B. (2002). Path vs. subpath vs. link restoration for fault management in IP-over-WDM networks: performance comparisons using GMPLS control signaling. IEEE Communications Magazine, 40(11), 80-87.
Wang, J., & Mukherjee, B. (2002). Interconnected WDM ring networks: Strategies for interconnection and traffic grooming. Optical Networks Magazine, 3(5), 10-20.
Cho, W., Wang, J., & Mukherjee, B. (2001). Improved approaches for cost-effective traffic grooming in WDM ring networks: uniform-traffic case. Photonic Network Communications, 3(3), 245-254.
Wang, J., Sahasrabuddhe, L., & Mukherjee, B. (2002, September). Fault monitoring and restoration in optical WDM networks. In National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference.
Wang, J., Yoo, S. B., & Mukherjee, B. (2001). Design and development of an MPLambdaS simulator. Proc. MPLScon, 1, 139-146.
Cho, W., Wang, J., & Mukherjee, B. (2001). Improved approaches for cost-effective traffic grooming in WDM ring networks: uniform-traffic case. Photonic Network Communications, 3(3), 245-254.
Cho, W., Wang, J., Mukherjee, B., Moslehi, B., & Black, R. J. (2000, March). Unification and extension of the traffic-grooming problem in WDM ring networks. In Optical Fiber Communication Conference. Technical Digest Postconference Edition. Trends in Optics and Photonics Vol. 37 (IEEE Cat. No. 00CH37079) (Vol. 1, pp. 162-164). IEEE.
Wang, J., & Mukherjee, B. (2002). Interconnected WDM ring networks: Strategies for interconnection and traffic grooming. Optical Networks Magazine, 3(5), 10-20.
Bezouska, J. R., Wang, J., & Mullins, O. C. (1998). Origin of limestone fluorescence. Applied Spectroscopy, 52(12), 1606-1613.
Wang, J., & Shao, Q. (1997). Basic experimental research on electrotactile physiology for deaf auditory substitution. Acta Acad. Med. Shandong, 35(1), 1-5.
J. Wang, Q. Li, et al. (1994). The Development of an Electrotactile Test System. Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 217-219.
Makki, K., Broussard, J., & Pissinou, N. (2000). On optical communications networks and wideband network architecture. Computer Communications, 23(10), 901-911.
Wireless & Mobile
Konig-Ries, B., Makki, K., Makki, S. A. M., Perkins, C., Pissinou, N., Reiher, P., ... & Wolfson, O. (2002). On building an infrastructure for mobile and wireless systems: report on the NSF workshop on an infrastructure for mobile and wireless systems, Oct. 15, 2001. ACM SIGMOD Record, 31(2), 73-79.
Konig-Ries, B., Makki, K., Makki, S. A. M., Perkins, C. E., Pissinou, N., Reiher, P., ... & Wolfson, O. (2001, October). Research direction for developing an infrastructure for mobile & wireless systems: Consensus report of the NSF Workshop held on October 15, 2001 in Scottsdale, Arizona. In Workshop on Infrastruture for Mobile and Wireless Systems (pp. 1-37). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Li, W., Makki, K., & Pissinou, N. (2002). Performance analysis of a PCS network with state dependent calls arrival processes and impatient calls. Computer communications, 25(5), 507-515.
Zhou, C., Honig, M. L., & Jordan, S. (2001, October). Two-cell utility-based resource allocation for a CDMA voice service. In IEEE 54th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC Fall 2001. Proceedings (Cat. No. 01CH37211) (Vol. 1, pp. 27-31). IEEE.
Zhou, C., Honig, M. L., Jordan, S., & Berry, R. (2002, October). Utility-based resource allocation for wireless networks with mixed voice and data services. In Proceedings. Eleventh International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (pp. 485-488). IEEE.
Zhou, C., Honig, M. L., & Jordan, S. (2001, October). Two-cell power allocation for wireless data based on pricing. In Proceedings Of The Annual Allerton Conference On Communication Control And Computing (Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 1088-1097). The University; 1998.
Zhou, C., Honig, M. L., & Jordan, S. (2001, October). Two-cell utility-based resource allocation for a CDMA voice service. In IEEE 54th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC Fall 2001. Proceedings (Cat. No. 01CH37211) (Vol. 1, pp. 27-31). IEEE.
Pissionou, N., Hossain, M., & Makki, K. (2000). A system model for mobile and wireless networking. ACIS International Journal of Computer & Information Science, 1(4), 165-171.
Robert, L., Pissinou, N., & Makki, S. (2000, September). Third generation wireless network: the integration of GSM and Mobile IP. In 2000 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. Conference Record (Cat. No. 00TH8540) (Vol. 3, pp. 1291-1296). IEEE.
Makki, S. A. M., Pissinou, N., & Daroux, P. (2003). Mobile and wireless Internet access. Computer Communications, 26(7), 734-746.
Makki, S. A. M., Pissinou, N., & Kouzalis, S. (2002). On Routing algorithms in Ad-hoc Networks. In International Conference on Internet Computing (pp. 983-990).
Pissinou, N., Makki, K., & Konig-Ries, B. (2003). Mobile users in heterogeneous environments with middleware platform. Computer Communications, 26(7), 700-707.
Pissinou, N., Makki, K., & Konig-Ries, B. (2000, February). A middleware-based architecture to support transparent data access by mobile users in heterogeneous environments. In Proceedings Tenth International Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering. RIDE 2000 (pp. 63-70). IEEE.
Software Applications
Pissinou, N., Radev, I., Makki, K., & Campbell, W. J. (2001). Spatio-temporal composition of video objects: representation and querying in video database systems. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 13(6), 1033-1040.
Pissinou, N., Radev, I., & Makki, K. (2001). Spatio-temporal modeling in video and multimedia geographic information systems. GeoInformatica, 5(4), 375-409.
Pissinou, N., Radev, I., Makki, K., & Campbell, W. J. (2001). Spatio-temporal composition of video objects: representation and querying in video database systems. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 13(6), 1033-1040.
Pissinou, N., Radev, I., & Makki, K. (2001). Spatio-temporal modeling in video and multimedia geographic information systems. GeoInformatica, 5(4), 375-409.
Video Content Representation based on-Lightning Advances in Visual Information Systems, 4th International Conference, VISUAL 2000, Lyon, France, November 2-4, 2000, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1929 Springer, ISBN 3-540-41177-1, pg. 457-467. 2000. (N. Pissinou, Co-Authored)
Li, L., Konig-Ries, B., Pissinou, N., & Makki, K. (2001, September). Strategies for semantic caching. In International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (pp. 284-298). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Developing Teams
Pissinou, N., Radev, I., Makki, K., & Campbell, W. J. (2001). Spatio-temporal composition of video objects: representation and querying in video database systems. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 13(6), 1033-1040.
Pissinou, N., Dunu, C., & Makki, K. (2000). A new framework for handling mobile clients in a client–server database system. computer Communications, 23(10), 936-941.
Pissinou, N., Radev, I., & Makki, K. (2001). Spatio-temporal modeling in video and multimedia geographic information systems. GeoInformatica, 5(4), 375-409.
Li, L., Konig-Ries, B., Pissinou, N., & Makki, K. (2001, September). Strategies for semantic caching. In International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (pp. 284-298). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.